Tuesday, July 13, 2010


You've all been waiting with baited breath to learn the final outcome of the half-baked muffins. Well, they might have made great hockey pucks. Not fit for man nor beast, they found their way to some landfill. Dare I make the quantum leap to the salt parable? Jesus said His followers are to be salt in the world. At its best salt acts as a preservative, a flavor enhancer, or a spoilage retardant. Salt without saltiness is "good neither for the soil nor for fertilizer" (Luke 14:35 NLT). The KJV reads a bit more straightforward: "It is neither fit for the land, nor yet for the dunghill." I.E., it's even useless in the landfill. Whether I'm sitting in the middle of well-fertilized corn that's as tall as LeBron James (which I am with fields of corn surrounding us on three sides), or driving past the Swanton water treatment plant (which SMELLS like a dunghill), I want to be good salt in my world. Pass the salt, please.

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