Tuesday, June 29, 2010


A historic insult used to use the words "half baked." Today I stepped back in history not to use those words to insult someone--though a case might be made to apply those words to me this morning--but to describe the muffins I started to bake. I spooned the last of the 1-point Weight Watchers muffin batter into their baking cups and popped those puppies in the oven. That's when our excavator decided to detach our propane tank so he could excavate. And BTW, it wasn't like I didn't know he was going to do that. The muffins weren't even half baked. Our neighbors, who are always home, weren't. So much for popping my secret weapon in the weight loss war into Evelyn's oven. So at Mark's suggestion, I put them in the freezer. We'll see what happens later today when the gas is back on and I put the half bakes back into the oven. Should prove interesting, if not edible. Sometimes we come up with half baked schemes to live in obedience to the Lord Christ. He tells us to love God wholeheartedly and to love others with the same kind of self-love we lavish on ourselves. Those are tall orders. I'm praying for the grace to live them--even as my half baked muffins sit in the freezer. How about you? June 29, 2010

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