Yes, April has arrived! That means daffodils and tulips and sunshine-yellow forsythia bushes. As described in the King James English, "the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds has come" (Song of Solomon 2:11-12). The rain isn't over for NW Ohio, and snowflakes still make occasional house calls in this month, but those birdies are a-singin'. Their music is a sweet sound, even from the beaks of obnoxious bluejays and ditsy killdeer.
Soon we celebrate that best and most blessed of all holidays and holy days: Resurrection Sunday. It's enough to make you sing like a bird, blossom like a daffodil, and splash in some mud puddles. Catastrophes, horrific events, and tragedy still mar our days. But we are "prisoners of hope," as it says in Zechariah 9:12. "When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near" (Luke 21:28).
Soli Deo Gloria.
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