Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas 2011

The Bible says it this way. "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord" (Matthew 2:10 NIV).
The lyricist of "Joy to the World" said it this way. "Joy to the world! The Lord is come!"
Today we say, "The Lord has come."
Some day we will say with even greater joy and delight, "The Lord has come back!"
"There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away" declares Revelation 21:4 (NIV).
Whether our Christmas is joyful or grievous, the Christ of Christmas past, present, and future has all things in His control.
Merry Christmas. Soli Deo Gloria.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


For the many cards, prayers, well wishes, CDs, meals, free rides, phone calls and more that all of you--friends and family alike--have showered on me (and Mark too!), thank you! Your encouragement, advice, and concern have carried me many a day. When I was asked at the Victory Center about support systems they offer, I passed them all up. (Except, of course, the free massages!) I told them my support system was so overwhelming that others could benefit from what they offer--while I bask in the beauty, humility, and grace of faithful people who live lives of generous love. Thank you all again. I cherish each of you. SDG from whom all blessings flow....

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Double Talk?

When Jesus talks with Martha just before He resurrects her brother, Lazarus, Jesus says,"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die" (John 11:25-26, NIV). Is this double talk?
If we go back a few chapters in the book of John, Jesus said that whoever hears His word and believes God the Father who sent Him has eternal life and won't be condemned because "he has crossed over from death to life." (See John 5:24; emphasis added.) If I put these few verses together, I come up with one conclusion.
Those who died in Christ before His resurrection will live, even though they died. Lazarus, John the Baptist, and the rest of the Old Testament saints did die, but now they're very much alive. As for the rest of us?
It might look like we died when we do die physically on this earth--just like Lazarus and those others. But actually we died when we became believers. So we really have already passed from death into life. Awesome truth that's not double talk.
Or, as Sergeant Joe Friday would say, "Just the facts." SDG.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Of October, Chemo, and Books

October brings some startling colors and fragrances. I'm wondering if our remaining, struggling tomatoes on the vine will ripen. We have homegrown, hothouse tomatoes: they redden only after plucked from the vine and plunked in the window sill.
To business: Paramount Craft Show FRIDAY, OCT 7 at PARAMOUNT HEALTH CARE, 1901 Indian Wood Circle in Maumee, Oh. Time is from 9 am until 2 pm. Lots of MADE IN USA quality gifts and good food too. I'll have all my books in print available to sell below market cost. New ones are anthologies with fun stories and fun devotionals. The titles are Heavenly XOXO for Women and Heavenly Humor for the Teacher's Soul. I still have copies of past favorites including Little Whiskers of Wisdom, as well as devotionals for stepmoms and the popular Snakes, Snails, Puppy Dog Tales for animal lovers.
If you can't make it to the Paramount Show, the Swanton Craft Show is scheduled for Saturday, December 3 from 10 am until 4 pm at Swanton High School.
All will happen for this author as long as my chemo hasn't got me curled up in a recliner whining about who ever came up with IV NAPALM as a cure for anything. I'll be donning an appropriate head cover and have some fun stories to tell from this summer's breast cancer journey. There are laughs along the way, believe it or not.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Shameless Advertising

Okay. One more piece of shameless advertising.
Heavenly Humor for the Teacher's Soul has been released by Barbour Publishing. All you teachers out there will enjoy these funny true stories and words of encouragement. You might even think someone's been reading your mail. This book makes a great gift for teachers come (dare I say it?) Christmas. Copies available in stores, on-line, and from yours truly. Thank the Lord for good teachers; some of them take a real hammerin'.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


HEAVENLY XOXO FOR WOMEN has been released by Barbour Books. I have two stories in the collection, and two friends and fellow writers from the NW Christian Writers also have stories in this hardbound gift book for women. I think you'll enjoy this collection.
No Princesses Here recounts the true story of my Aunt June. Born a Japanese princess, she eventually left all she knew to come to USA. What a Great Idea! chronicles the antics of my husband in our 30+ years of marriage. For those of you who know Mark, none of this will surprise you. For those of you who don't know him, you're in for some laughs.
HEAVENLY XOXO FOR WOMEN is available from bookstores, or a copy can be ordered on line.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Flower Power?

Our hibiscus tree produces big, beautiful blossoms as pictured here. They're huge things and brighten up the whole room. The bad news? We get one bloom at a time. I think we're on #3 for the spring. But the real kicker? They're big and beautiful for all of 24 hours. That's it. We enjoy them for a day and then they fold up, hang down, and land on the carpet in a shrivelled up lump.
Does it make me think of a verse of scripture? Mais oui!
"The grass withers," Peter wrote, quoting Isaiah, "and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever." (See 1 Peter 1:24 and Isaiah 40:8.) The emphasis isn't on flowers, but on the mighty Word of the Lord. Earthly beauties come and go, falter and fade. But the Word of God?
It's got staying power. SDG.

Friday, May 27, 2011


We seldom hear the once ultimate insult, "you spineless jellyfish!" I don't know if it's because so many of us are spineless in the bravery department, or because we know that, even though they may be spineless, those jellyfish have painful stings. OUCH!
In the Alliance Life magazine this month, missionary doctor Dan Nesselroade and his wife, Marci, wrote of their busy lives working at the Koutiala Hospital for Women and Children in Mali, W Africa. One line of their brief report grabbed me. "Nothing puts steel in my spine like watching God do things that only God can do."
Sometimes we need to just "stop, drop, and roll" around in the amazing ways God works in our lives. Doing the things He alone can do.
Feel like you're needing some steel in your spiritual spine? I do. So I'm going to watch for things God alone can do. SDG.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Day of Small Things

Last week another year of MOPS ministry concluded at our church. As a MOPPET worker, I met an assortment of 4-going-on-5-year old children. Some Wednesdays we were overwhelmed with the number of children in our care. Their imaginations, their transparency, and their changes and growth in just 9 short months boggled my mind. Their antics kept us on our toes; their comments and observations made us laugh. On our last day, we had notes from many of the moms of these preschoolers thanking us for caring for their children while they enjoyed some "mom time," as one called it. What a blessing to read over and again that not only did these moms enjoy their time at MOPS, but their children did too. One little boy, who may grow up to be an artist, often started his time making cards and pictures for his mom. Week after week he consistently included his dad too. Both dad & mom received loving creations from his small hands. God asked his people, "Who despises the day of small things?" (See Zechariah 4:10.) He makes it clear that "small things" aren't so small when He is in the mix. Small children value the truly valuable more than we know: fun with friends, learning about God, parents who love them. Most of us won't make headline news or do anything big. But that's okay. God doesn't despise our day(s) of small things. He started it all with 3 small words: "Let there be..." (Genesis 1:3) and there was. SDG.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Snakes, Snails, Puppy Dog Tales

Thanks to those of you who voted for my book for a Small Christian Publishers book of the year award. I didn't win, but one of the authors who won had a book published by the same publisher for Snakes.... Kudos to Rick Bates and his staff at Crosslink Publishing. For those of you who are authors in search of a quality publisher, check out this publishing house. And thanks again to those of you who voted for my book. "But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you...the hand of the LORD has done this (Job 12:7, 9 NIV). SDG. 5-7-11

Thursday, May 5, 2011

What Goes Around...

"All this disaster has come upon us, yet we have not sought the favor of the LORD our God by turning from our sins and giving attention to your truth. The LORD did not hesitate to bring the disaster upon us, for the LORD our God is righteous in everything he does; yet we have not obeyed him" (Daniel 9:13-14).
This comes from a prayer of Daniel recorded well over 2500 years ago. On this, our National Day of Prayer, we need to ask ourselves: Do we seek God's favor by turning from our sins? Do we seek His favor by giving attention to His truth? Have we obeyed Him when He brings disaster?
One thing is clear. God's favor doesn't come via any means but "turning from our sins and giving attention to (His) truth." Otherwise, what goes around...comes around. SDG. 5-5-11

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Finishing Strong

This past week I enjoyed an equitation education at the 2011 Varsity Equitation National Championship in Waco, Texas. New words like "dressage" entered my vocabulary. I inhaled so much horse hair and dirt it's a wonder I don't whinny when laughing.
Horses responded to the commands of their riders who had only to shift their weight or pull gently on a rein to get a living, breathing 1100-pound gelding, stallion, or mare to do their bidding. Best of all, I watched my beautiful goddaughter finish strong her collegiate equitation career at Baylor University.
Some young women didn't finish strong. In one event the equestrian forgot the pattern. Her horse stood idle while she tried to recall what to do next. Another simply slid off her horse in a badly executed jump.
The apostle Paul wrote, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me" (2 Timothy 4:7 NLT).
I don't want to forget what's important, fall off my horse, throw in the towel, or stumble before I reach the course's end. My goal?
Finish strong. SDG.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Yes, April has arrived! That means daffodils and tulips and sunshine-yellow forsythia bushes. As described in the King James English, "the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds has come" (Song of Solomon 2:11-12). The rain isn't over for NW Ohio, and snowflakes still make occasional house calls in this month, but those birdies are a-singin'. Their music is a sweet sound, even from the beaks of obnoxious bluejays and ditsy killdeer.
Soon we celebrate that best and most blessed of all holidays and holy days: Resurrection Sunday. It's enough to make you sing like a bird, blossom like a daffodil, and splash in some mud puddles. Catastrophes, horrific events, and tragedy still mar our days. But we are "prisoners of hope," as it says in Zechariah 9:12. "When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near" (Luke 21:28).
Soli Deo Gloria.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

In Sympathy

I'm not trying to be funny, but I'm sick to death of sending sympathy cards. I think I've sent out over a half dozen in about that many days. The Bible says it's better to go to a funeral than to a party. (See Ecclesiastes 7:2.) It goes on to tell us why this is so. "For you are going to die, and you should think about it while there is still time" (same chapter, verse 3 NLT). So I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. About life. About death. Only in Christ Jesus do we have any hope at all: hope of life after this life, hope of no more death after a lifetime of deaths, hope of life everlasting. Jesus says it all in the New Testament book of John. "He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die" (John 11:25b, 26 NIV). Sick to death of funerals and sympathy cards? The day is coming when the One who died for us "will wipe every tear from [our] eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or cyring or pain, for the old order of things has passed away" (Revelation 21:4 NIV). Maranatha!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2011 Book of the Year Award

This is not a paid advertisement, but it IS an ad. My book, Snakes, Snails, Puppy Dog Tales, has been nominated as a book of the year in the non-fiction category of the Christian Small Publisher Book Award. Voting is open until March 31, 2011. Would you consider voting for Snakes, Snails, Puppy Dog Tales? Here's the link: Thanks!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


(This awesome photo is from the NASA archives. It was taken in Switzerland.) "'Come now, let us reason together,' says the LORD. 'Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow'" (Isaiah 1:18). With the exception of the street out front and the flora and buildings not buried under our thick, white blanket, it's white as far as I can see. Even the blue sky, minus any clouds today here, whitens out along the horizon. Whiteness everywhere--blindingly so. The Bible says the One true, Triune God lives in "unapproachable light" (1 Timothy 6:16). Some day, if the Lord has drawn us to Himself and in so doing has cleansed us of our scarlet sin, we'll be able to approach Him, the Unapproachable. We will probably retain our skin color as He gave it to us, but underneath? Underneath...blindingly white. SDG.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January Thanksgiving

"They were also to stand every morning to thank and praise the LORD. They were to do the same in the evening" (1 Chronicles 23:30 NIV). Last week every woman at a Bible study I attend shared a praise or thanks for something or someone in 2010. Choosing just one thing presented the challenge. All present had had her share of trouble and challenge and heartbreak in 2010, but we chose to focus on the good and lay aside the bad and the ugly. One dear friend said she was thankful for the gospel. When the Levitical priests stood to thank and praise God morning and night, the gospel was yet future. Unlike us, they couldn't look back to the cross and know that there Christ dealt with every sin and heartache we or they would ever know. He dealt death its death blow. How much more should we "stand every morning to to thank and praise the LORD...(and) do the same in the evening." How did you start or end your day today?
Photograph by Jim Roetzel, 2010.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


By truer reckoning, it's 28 Tevet and the year is 5771. There's no doubt in my mind that the Jewish calendar is more accurate, but some of us have enough trouble with a leap year coming along every four years. To deal with Adar II and then other changes every 19th year would push us over the edge. So, my fellow blogsters, Happy New Year! Or Happy Current Year! Did you make any New Year's resolutions? Me neither. I find few uses of the word "resolve" and its derivatives in the NIV translation of the Bible, but two stand out. When the apostle Paul went to the early Christian church in Corinth, he said, "I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified" (1 Corinthians 2:2). Everything pales in comparison to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ made a resolution once. "As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem" (Luke 9:51, emphasis added). What Paul resolved to know, Jesus resolved to do. If I make any resolution for this year I want it to echo Paul's--whatever 2011 or the rest of 5771 brings. Soli Deo Gloria.