Wednesday, May 30, 2012


"Did you know the word 'stuff' is in the KJV?" my husband asked me one night.
"NO WAY!" said I.
And there it was right in Genesis 45:20: "Also regard not your stuff."
Joseph told his brothers to leave all their stuff in Canaan and move--as people used to say--lock, stock, and barrel to Egypt. Rough times were behind them, but things were going to go from bad to worse. So he told them to high-tail it out of there and move to where he could generously provide for them during the remaining years of drought and famine. They did, and he did.
Sooner or later we all have to leave our stuff behind.
One of my favorite stories is about a business man whose office got flooded. Just about everything was destroyed. When he saw it, he did something he hadn't done in decades. He started sucking his thumb. He said he sensed God there with him to comfort him in his loss. "It's okay, Charlie," that still, small voice whispered. "I was gonna burn it all anyway."
Fretting over the loss of stuff today? Focus on those things that flood, fire, famine, or drought can't take away: the "stuff" of heaven.
...because all the rest of it? Yep, God will burn it all anyway. SDG.