"They were also to stand every morning to thank and praise the LORD. They were to do the same in the evening" (1 Chronicles 23:30 NIV).
Last week every woman at a Bible study I attend shared a praise or thanks for something or someone in 2010. Choosing just one thing presented the challenge. All present had had her share of trouble and challenge and heartbreak in 2010, but we chose to focus on the good and lay aside the bad and the ugly.
One dear friend said she was thankful for the gospel. When the Levitical priests stood to thank and praise God morning and night, the gospel was yet future. Unlike us, they couldn't look back to the cross and know that there Christ dealt with every sin and heartache we or they would ever know. He dealt death its death blow.
How much more should we "stand every morning to to thank and praise the LORD...(and) do the same in the evening." How did you start or end your day today?
Photograph by Jim Roetzel, 2010.